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Wonderful salt works on the island of La Palma

Wonderful salt works on the island of La PalmaMust visit on La Palma - Salinas Marinas de Fuencaliente

There’s the most beautiful salt works on the island of La Palma and, probably, the largest in the Canary Islands. Las Salinas de Fuencaliente is located on the south edge of the island. People come here on foot, those who dared to follow the Road of volcanoes – Ruta de los volcanos 24 km in length in one direction. The destination is this lighthouse and the salt works, as well as a restaurant and a museum.

Salinas de Fuencaliente-1La Palma Salina

There are almost no living things around, since the volcano is nearby, which erupted quite recently in 1971. Nevertheless, the salt works has been operating since 1967.

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There are lots of different pools by size and shape, where water evaporates inside and salt of different colors remains.

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As you walk here, you imagine yourself a tiny creature on a palette of colors of some artist, only a giant brush is lacking.

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We arrived at sunset, in the end of the working hours of the employees. Therefore, no one told us to go away when we came off the trails for tourists and walked between the pools where we wished))

We didn’t know that it’s not allowed)) But we had a close look at everything, since the main road lies just on the perimeter of the entire salt works.

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The reliefs and shades on the water are unrealistic here. Strikingly beautiful and extensive.

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We went around all the pools, and each had a different shade of salt.

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A wonderful place, especially at sunset.

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You can go there to the south of the salt works for the whole day. There is a beach near here, where you can sunbathe during the day and drive up here at sunset. Go to the windmills, or have a lunch or dinner in the restaurant that operates on the territory of the salt works and is open until late hours, thus you can enjoy a meal at sunset on the terrace.

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You want to touch these palettes – as if the colorful sky.

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So if you go, be sure to come at sunset, since in the afternoon it will be too dazzling and without the magic of shades and the mirror-world.

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Here you can also enjoy the view of the volcanoes, including the most recent – Teneguía, which erupted recently in 1971. People, who passed the Road of Volcanos, come down the footpaths to the salt works. The inhabitants of the island have invented a great route!

Salinas de Fuencaliente-35See more articles about La Palma island: “The most biggest crater and road Volcanoes” and “Santa Cruz – the old city and a capital of La Palmalanzarote1-2


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With love, RH.

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