Europe, Turkey

A walk in a different not touristy Istanbul

A walk in a different not touristy Istanbul A walk in the different Istanbul. A Guide

We wanted to go to a freak café with cats (article about Istanbul establishments here). It is situated far from the tourist center, namely in the Fener neighborhood ​​ (red circle on the map). We looked on the map where to go and began our route from Gulhane Park. By mileage it turned out to be far, but it’s not a problem for us to walk 12-17 km a day in the city 🙂Знімок екрана 2015-07-04 о 18.55.12Why a different Istanbul – because tourists usually don’t walk outside the Galata Bridge and Eminonu neighborhood, locals wander walked for a while in Gulhane Park and went towards the place where the local Istanbulites and others hang


istanbul-4After the park, a little bit of urban such a photo with a sea gull, we show a bus station of Istanbul at the Eminonu station. It’s better not to see the traffic there)istanbul-6You can see the number of flags of political parties here a bit – the same is the number of cars on the behind the bus station there is a long street leading to the Ataturk Bridge (a blue circle on the map). We didn’t shoot it because immigrants live there. Just on both sides of the roadway. There are hundreds of immigrants, all feel very free, as if street is their private home. Children are running and showing the follies. Others sit back under the fence. A frightening scene, we walked at sunset. What’s going on there when it gets dark – nobody knows, and we don’t advise you to go there. I didn’t want to go to the cats in the coffee shop, but Rostyk led us through that street alive and with all our staff 🙂istanbul-8 After the Ataturk Bridge, a long line of park shoreline

istanbul-10You can walk near the water that is much closer here to the level of the

istanbul-12To meet another incredible sunset and admire a different Istanbul embankment was built not so long ago, a mere 10 years ago. Locals are not yet accustomed to spending time in a cultural way. If you look back and not at the sea, garbage will lie on the lawns. Looks chaotic again, with strange people, with seed peels near the benches. We were told that tourists do not walk there, but nothing will happen to us. This park is simply not as neat as Gulhane) There are many families who spend their free time, organize picnics, buy Balik Ekmek on the

istanbul-15At the end of the promenade, we crossed the street and appeared in a scenic neighborhood where cats in NAFTALIN K café were waiting for at first, we quickly walked along several streets, because we haven’t seen such architecture in Istanbul




istanbul-21Everything is colorful here, a little odd, but





istanbul-27It got dark and we made our way to the destination of this walk. We drank delicious Turkish coffee and stroked cats, we thought there would be more of them – but they went for a walk and hasn’t returned yet.


istanbul-29Then we got on the bus, 5 meters from Naftalin K. We asked the driver if he drives to the station we needed, he said yes. However, you shouldn’t trust the Turkish drivers. They will catch a familiar word from all other words they hear, for example, subway – drop a nod that they have understood. So we were taken not where we planned to. We had to take subway, whose stop was a little further from our home.

istanbul-30Only subway trains drive on this bridge.


istanbul-32We sat down on a spaceship and got happily home.


With love, RH.

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With love, RH.

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